Friday, January 23, 2009

i forgot to mention that i had my first run in with the cops here.

we were driving home from denni's show and we went to eat after that so maybe it was 1 am. we pulled up to this road that was completely blocked off so we had to pull in. we were lucky cuz one of the police was dennis friend in highschool. we both had no helmets on, denni doesnt have a motorcycle license and his bike thing is out of date, expired in august, i didnt have my passport because it was at the immigration office. they made us empty our entire bags and usually you have to pay them when something like this happens but it was legit so no corruption.
denni says he would have been arrested had his friend not been there. but who knows. it was really weird, and i lied to them obviously and told them i only worked here for one month, or i could be kicked out. and soon after they let us go on our merry ol' way.

just thought i should share that.

tonight we have a party!!!!! AHH

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

There has been this cat wondering around the office since I started at the new school.
*Side note: IEC has three locations and since I have moved into one of the school houses, its in the same complex as the jemadi school so I mainly teach here now.
Anyways, this cat was preggers and I kept thinking, oh dear, what are the babies gonna do. There are an abundance of strays here, so I obviously couldn’t help but thinking that I should let them grow up in my house. The kitty had her babies and when I came into work on Tuesday afternoon the office boys thought that they were going to bring the cat plus her three infants with them in a box to take them out of the school area, and somewhere else. I, however, thought that they were going to be thrown into the river, as I have seen how people treat street animals here, and animals in general. So I had 15 minutes to decide without my roommates consent that I should keep them in the spare bedroom until they grow up strong enough to be able to live outside. I feel like I will get attached, but there are 3 babies and 1 cat, so I definitely cant have 4 cats in my house. I will be like a fucking crazy cat lady. The babies are so cute and cant open their eyes and cant walk and im so excited for them to become little rascal kittens and want to cuddle.

Oh, im booking a flight to bali tomorrow! I am so excited. Mine and Dennis’ flights will be booked, but his friends Molen and Mikael are gonna come too. Macbeth head office is there, so I get to hang around Dennis’ really fucking cool boss, Yopi and meet everyone else. Also I am gonna go surfing! AH. So stoked. We will maybe spend 4 days in Bali and then head over to Lombok for 5 days. End of June is when this all goes down. There are so many places I want to go in Indonesia its ridiculous. Next week is Chinese New Year and we have 3 days off, so me and my boy are going to Brastagi and there is a place called Bukit Kubu and it’s a big park sorta thing, and they give you kites to fly and you bring your own picnic food, OH, I am BEYOND excited. Denni has wanted to take me since we started dating, and finally we get to go. Picnics in parks here are considered weird, so it will be nice to be in a place where picnics aren’t looked on as gila.

Kapan kau akan beli berlihan untuk ku?- when are you going to buy diamonds for me?


Friday, January 16, 2009

im hanging out with my friends here, im making new friends and i have new roommate. but some 40 year old guy might move in with us, and we are kinda really scared. we wanna party.

this weekend was really good. we went to merdeka walk on friday which is a place with a bunch of restuarants outside and you just sit and drink, eat. and shit like that. During the day on Saturday I went out with my friend Rara, and she brought her two friends and we went to this place called Gelato Bar, which is obviously pricey cuz its westernish. I got bruschetta, but there was just so much stuff i wanted on the menu. i will need to go back, FOR SURE. we then went upstairs to cava lounge which is a much fancier kind of martini bar. and WHOA drinks are hella expensive, for a martini its about 80 000=8$ canadian and considering a full time student jobs salary is anywhere between 300 000-1.5 million thats a whole fucking lot of money. i just dont understand how places are charging the same prices as canada, its completely ridiculous. so obviously i didnt get a drink. that night though we went out with my new roomate and denni and a girl from work to a bar called retro. where you must buy a pitcher of beer, or something to get in. so we opted for the beer, price of 215 000!!! holy moly i have never paid that much for a pitcher of beer, i mean maybe there is cover charge with that too, it hink cuz we didnt pay cover but whatevs. we danced for a while and i was stoked to get all dressed up and be able to go dancing.

oh, so when its your birthday, you have to take your friends out to dinner and pay for everyone. how crazy is this?!

tomorrow dennis band has a show and im really excited cuz i have never seen them, only their practice, and he told me he knows what hes wearing already.WHAT A GIRL. hes wearing a v neck that i bought him for xmas, and im stoked because all his friends make fun of him for wearing v necks, he now has 3. and i just tell him that in 1 or 2 years they will be thinking of him as a trend setter. BITCHES. my friend molen is going back to bandung on sunday, which im really sad about cuz i really like him.

im getting indonesian lesson so hopefully i can speak indonesian soon. guys guys, ask me to say something!


Friday, January 9, 2009

this last week has been really hard.

im not too sure even why. im really missing my friends. im really missing solid ground. its really difficult. i only have one person to tell everything to, to share anything with, to hang out with, and he has friends and his life and space he needs. so for me, this is hard. i want to be able to miss hanging out with friends, well i do, but i cant just bust out to canada and hang out, obviously! i have friends, but they are all my friends through denni, so sometimes to hang out with them without him is weird. i dont wanna be a crazy girlfriend, im not like that. i have nobody to talk to here. nobody to spill my guts to. i need someone to understand me. i need to stop thinking so much. i wish i could just have someone here with me.

i know im here, and what im doing is strong and brave and all that, but its really hard. there are so many things i wish i had a girl to talk about with. so so many things that i wish someone could just listen to and understand.

i need some friends.